Literature at German as a Foreign Language
German as a foreign language is considered a very young discipline. It established itself alongside German studies in the sixties. German as a foreign language refers to the status of the German language for all learners whose mother tongue is not German.
We learn a language in order to actively participate in society and is the basic prerequisite for professional success.
Literature helps to learn German
A distinction is made between "German as a foreign language" and "German as a second language".
German as a foreign language is equated with natural acquisition. German as a second language is called controlled learning in an educational institution.
The "German as a foreign language" learners usually have completed vocational training.
With German as a foreign language, literary texts can take on various tasks in language lessons: on the one hand, they can arouse interest in the language or they can stimulate reflection and discussion.
Literature didactics deals with the use of literature. There are many substantive, methodological and didactic reasons why literature should be used in foreign language teaching.
Working with literary texts in German as a foreign language creates real communication situations, and it also contributes to the improvement of education.
Learn a foreign language German with literature
Through authentic communication in literary texts, they contribute to the realization of the communicative approach. Literature is primarily about gathering information, but at the same time it is also for entertainment and pleasure.
Literature promotes the emotional and social competence of the participants in German as a foreign language because they can identify with it. They also experience situations in everyday life, such as the characters in the novels.
Furthermore, literary texts are usually more exciting than textbook texts. They encourage further reading and contribute to the promotion of the creativity of the participants.
In addition, all four core competencies can be practiced in the lessons of German as a foreign language: you read and listen to texts, you talk to the other participants about them and you can also write your own texts.
A disadvantage would be, for example, that some participants show no interest in literature at all or the language level is too high.
Literature can be used as a foreign language at any learning level in German. You just have to choose the appropriate texts for the appropriate level. The topic of the text is important and the participants should be able to identify with it. Often readers have experienced similar situations and compare these events to their own. The text should correspond to the age of the learners, be emotional and intellectual.
Our language schools
Every week, from levels A1 to C1. For this type of course we have two dates:
Monday to Friday
5.30 pm to 7.00 pm & 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
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Learning a foreign language is more than just a professional qualification. It is a component of personality development.
Knowledge of literature is also very important in foreign language teaching. Later, for example, you can talk about different types of literature and write your own small texts. The language course gives an impulse to achieve this goal.
It is easy to motivate the participants in literature lessons to read texts. How about, for example, as an introduction to a film excerpt from a literary film? After that, it is easier for the learners to get into the topic and to become creative themselves.
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